Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sports Unite!

At last, we could see more and more constructive and objective views from our "paper-man" especially when it comes stright from the "Editor-In-Chief" like Datuk Wong Chun Wai. (http://www.chunwai08.blogspot.com/)

It's on the front page picture (The Star paper on Saturday 16thAug'08) that said it all - a victorious Lee Chong Wei hugging his coach Misbun Sidek. Do you see a Chinese hugging a Malay? It's a "no no" right! I see two Malaysian come together for ONE common Goal - the 1st Olympic Gold Medal. There is so much we can do if we put aside race and religion and focus on commonalities instead of differences, well said by Datuk Wong. It doesn't really matter when Chong Wei just finished Silver medal on last Sunday (17thAug'08) final against Lin Dan (world number 1)

Like "music', sports does play an important role to unite us. On the same occasion, 26 years old Abhinav Bindra (shooter) who shot his way to the country's (India) first-ever individual Olympic Gold medal in Beijing, since 1896 and for all of India seemed to erupt in one big celebration. For a moment the people seemed to have put aside all their differences to partake in the glory of the young marksman. (The Star, Monday 18thAug'08 pg N40)

Our current "back-ward" political development is very much painted by some "narrow minded" politician for their personal agenda. "Divide and Conquer" are from the British colonial era before "Merdeka". Why do such politician have to emulate such practices? For personal gain or to champion the community interest? We can talk of being a global player only when we can devote our attention to "competitiveness" and "excellence". I truly believe that when we have an objective mind, we should be able to put aside our differences to achieve any "common GOAL".
Two beautiful songs that are still playing lively in my mind:

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