Sunday, August 31, 2008


31st Aug, 2008, marked the 10th years anniversary the return of the "come-back kid", Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim into Parliament. Time flies! Some says that he deserve a second chance into parliament and looking forward for his "people's friendly" socio-economic agenda to prosper our beloved country, Malaysia. Where one may say that all politician are the same, I do give him some "benefit of doubt" to act as one great parliamentarian and playing his role of "check and balance" in our Malaysian politics. This is what "democracy" is all about; not "dia-mau-dia-kasi" sort of practice or "communal" politics that may only be relevant before 31st Aug. 1957. I'm just an ordinary Malaysian citizen (probably the 5th generation living in Malaysia) who wants to see this country prosper and the ability of its people to share the country wealth, equally. "Merdeka-kan-lah Minda"! "Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan" is our 2008 Merdeka Theme:

To share some of my "patriotic spirit" during this Merdeka month, I attached some of my photo and newspaper cutting that I took over a decade ago. Some may have remembered the, "Proton Merdeka Parade 31st Aug.1998", when some proton car owner took part in the parade crossing Penang Bridge. I was one prowd owner of a Proton Wira 1.3 (MAH9081); my 1st car that I've bought after 2 years of working. In the newspaper cutting, you may be able to see the last glimpse of Datuk Seri Anwar with Tun Mahathir before he got sacked a few days later due to some reason that I don't have to publish it here. Anyway, in politics "there's NO permanent enemy or friends". I hope so!
Lastly, I would like to dedicate these wording to all my fellow Malaysian brothers and sisters:
"Our Nation, Malaysia is dedicated to: Achieving a greater unity for all her people; maintaining a democratic way of life; creating a just society in which the wealth of the nation shall be equitably distributed; ensuring a liberal approach to her rich and diverse cultural tradition, and building a progressive society which shall be oriented to modern science and technology".
We, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends, guided by these principles:
Belief in God
• Loyalty to King and Country
• Upholding the Constitution
• Sovereignty of the Law, and
• Good Behaviour and Morality
- From the Rukunegara, circa 1970
Let us not forget that "if" our nation was borned from words of the 1970 proclamation, it should be our benchmark of Merdeka - "UNITY IN DIVERSITY". Our struggle for Merdeka has only just begun. I wish all our country leaders to be "the light" of every single Malaysian and not to "liwat" our country wealth for personal gain. I dedicate this beautiful song by Chris Daughtry - "What About Now". A lesson to be learn here.

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