As one Malay proverb says; "gajah lawan gajah; pelanduk mati di tengah". I do share similar view with Ms Yap Leng Kuen, The Star comment. See full articles attached:
With current internal political development, I can't help it but to give some thought over this issue. View should be given on a neutral ground, constructive and educational. Well said by Pak Lah in Sunday (6thJuly'08) Star front-page report:
“I also know that the people are becoming fed up with the political manoeuvring taking place currently. Slandering has become more rampant. One no longer cares whether the accusations are true or otherwise. People are fed up with the political bickering that is going on in the country and an elected politician should pledged to give priority to the needs of the people".
“I also know that the people are becoming fed up with the political manoeuvring taking place currently. Slandering has become more rampant. One no longer cares whether the accusations are true or otherwise. People are fed up with the political bickering that is going on in the country and an elected politician should pledged to give priority to the needs of the people".
Thirteen years ago: I was taught that POLITICS is all about "POWER STRUGGLE" to determine WHO gets WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHEN and HOW. But all of this should not be happening at the expense of the "rakyat". Demonstration organised by certain groups as well as the current political developments "is/may" partially because of the "rakyat" starts to feel the pinch (angry) of rising inflation rate. Politician shouldn't take things "lightly" as situation "might" get worst when the "rakyat" STOMACH are "hungry". We have seen this happening in many other countries. I pray that it WILL NOT happen here.
As such, who ever is/are "government of the day"; priority is to pay attention to important issues like the rising prices of fuel and goods, good governance, tackling corruption/s, and to continue with the development programmes for the people. Government should ensure peace, security and prosperity for the "rakyat" and with "harmony" environment; the "rakyat" are able to provide the best for themselves, their families and companies or organisations they represent.
Our "CREATOR" has created ENOUGH for every human NEEDS but not the GREEDS from certain quarters. Lets us not forget that!
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