Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fake It Until You Make It!

"Fake it until you make it" - was the motivational statement said by my ex-leader from one of our local financial product supplier back in 1997. I wasn't quite understand the statement then, until I made it recently. I starts to recall how I actually "subconsciously" had practised what he has said to me. In this 21st century, everyone would like to be associate or attracted with someone successful. "LIE or conman" shouldn't be use in this context as long as our conscience is clear. To be successful (during the early stage of a persons' career), we should "act, dress and talk" like the successful people. "Emulate" should be the better word to use here.

I've recently received an interesting email from close associate that explain the above. Though it's a "joke" but I actually got excited over the video clip. Gods Will! I hope it'll be a reality on day. (please censor the last few second of the clip). Never under-estimate the power of our subconscious mind. I wish all your DREAM becomes a reality. Best Regards. :)

The World's Greatest Business Mind Announced: After an exhaustive search spanning thousands of nominees from five continents, the International Collective Council of Excellence has announced this year's World's Greatest Business Mind to universal acclaim and fanfare. The decision was unanimous despite the fact the world-class shortlist comprised such well-known names as Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, Bruce Wayne, George Soros, and that kid who invented facebook. (see video clip...).

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Golf Enhance your Abilities

Golf: When I was about 16 years old; I use to hate golf courses as it always bring about "flies" around the dining table when they (golf management) start to fertilize the ground. The un-pleasant smell is also very disturbing to one sensitive nose.  As I grew up, I use to tell myself how crazy those guys hitting a small little ball under the hot sun (sometime in the rain) and walk towards to hit it again. As they say the rest is history.
I was drag/force into the game by one of my client when I was at 31 years of age. Till todate, I'll never forget to thank him for bringing/introducing me into this game. My focus in life (be in business, personal development or even to family) has changed from good to a better one. I use to be a very temperamental guy but things has change a lot now. From this game, I had a lot of opportunity to meet and socialize with VVIP's, make new successful friends and traveling to places that I probably don't go without reason. This fulfilling experience has broaden my mind  and now I feel it's a misnomer to think that golf is a sport for the rich people and it's a waste of time and space. I would like to share one good book that I had purchased many years ago and a write-up about golf and life. I hope it'll bring about interesting info to my fellow readers.

The Golfer & The Millionaire: is the story of a man's struggle to believe in himself; to conquer his failures and make a success of his life.Aided and inspired by a mysterious Millionaire, the golfer learns how to direct his mind and focus on what he wants to achieve. He learns how to overcome his negative thinking and confront his fear of success. More importantly, he discovers that the principles he puts into practice on the golf course can be applied to the rest of his life. He soon starts to believe that he can make his deepest desires a reality - and then his life really begins to change.

"When I look at you, I don't see who you are, I see who you can become".
by: Mark Fisher 1998, London. ISBN: 0-304-35017-6; (Pound$5.99) or RM5.90 (sales at Popular) 

Golf Enhancement Program for university students:
This 12 weeks program has been designed specifically for university students. Students will learn that golf is not only a great sport, but importantly will enhance their career opportunity. In recent years, Multi-National Corporation (MNC) such as Price Waterhouse Coopers, Merrill Lynch, encourage that their middle management take up golf. Golf at any level, beginner to advanced opens doors in the corporate world that other sports can’t.
Golf will become an asset to you in many ways. Market research shows leaning to play golf at your young age greatly enhances your chances when applying for job. Once golf is seen on ones CV (resume), that they play golf, you have a 46% higher advantage of being appointed for the position. Golf will enhance your abilities in many areas.
Some fast facts:
• A must for corporate networking.
• Increase opportunity and sales.
• Access to people not normally accessible.
• Increases awareness, quick accurate decision making.
• Promote healthiness, social skills and drastically improves opportunity to make new friends from many 
  diverse ethnic backgrounds.
C.E.O’s and Human Resources know that people who play golf, develop sportsmanship, competitiveness, honesty, integrity, and are definitely more likely to be punctual. All important ingredients for a successful career pathway.
Source: Pacific Golf Academy, Likas Sports Complex KK, Golf Driving Range.

Happy New Year 2009!